Send Notification

Hi, I am building a application for the purchase of various orders. So when the order is placed it is assigned to a person who is responsible for that order. That order completion has a deadline. So when less than 30 days are left for the delivery of that product i want, the person assigned to that order must automatically receive a notification on his mobile and email at the same time for the delivery of that product that  “Less than or equal to 30 days are left so please complete order fast”. But i am not able to understand how to do it. So please if anyone can tell me how to send notification to that person on his Mobile and Email automatically at same time. What can be the procedure for it. The notification should be sent automatically to him when 30 days are left.
1 answers

First, you should create a scheduled event to check which orders need a notification. You can use app store modules to send emails and to send push notifications. So, for each order you find, you simply send the email and notification, but this does require you to know the recipients email address and deviceID, which you need to store in your application as well.
