Unable to download/upload team server projects

Hi friends, At the time of creating new app though the team server is enabled, I am encountering the following error: " The team server repository has been created, but uploading the project failed. You can retry uploading it to the existing repository via the Team> Upload to team server menu item." So, the project was created locally and when I tried to upload the project to the team server, it is not uploading. And the Run in sandbox option is disabled for every project. I also tried to download the team server project already available, in to the modeler by using 'Edit in modeler' option in the developer portal, but it is also failed by showing an error dialog with no error message. Note: Up to my knowledge, I guess the modeler is unable to communicate with the team server. Please provide a solution. Thanks in advance.
2 answers

It's probably not the solution, but have you tried logging out and logging in again in your Modeler?

Something else that comes to mind: are you using a proxy?


Did you try installing SVN 1.7 and then do a manual check out and then commit? SVN could give you some more info about why you can not connect to the teamserver.




You do not have to do anything after installing SVN. You have some extra options when you right click on the directory where your model is (SVN Update, SVN Commit and TortoiseSVN with a whole lot of more options). You can find the documentation here https://tortoisesvn.net/support.html To check out use the repro browser. Right click TortoiseSVN / repro browser. You need to enter your Mendix account. Now you can see all your revisions etc. When you do a right click you can choose to do a check out and a SVN commit when the teamserver should be as your current directory.
