OnClick for Widget : an error message appeared such the selected page expects an objet not available here.
Hello, For my app, I would like to build cliquable widgets which redirect to page. When I set my “onclick” property for widget concerned to show a page, I get an error message such the selected page expects an object not available here. So I try to create a microflow in order to retrieve missing object for the page, but it doesn’t work. The error message persists. Could you help me to solve this bug please ? Thanks!! Charles
1 answers
A few things to checklist through that might help
Does your microflow/destination have permission to see the object you’re retrieving?
Are you checking to make sure the object exists?
Are you making sure to return it to the page?
Have you definitely changed the onClick action to use that microflow? (might still be trying to call your destination directly from the page)