Widget merge conflict resolution

I recently inherited a Mendix project where development happened on a branch line that included modeler updates and was pushed into production. I successfully updated the main line to the same modeler version and resolved the merge conflicts that remained in the modeler. The project runs locally, however when I try to commit the changes up to the team server I get the following error message: ..and in the widgets directory I see the following files: I am not familiar with SVN so how can I resolve this? When I start Tortoise in that directory it asks for a URL, but I’m unsure what to enter. Any help appreciated!
1 answers

Hi Daniel,

When Tortoise is installed, you can right click on the folder to resolve, or revert (check tortoise manual)

You can also manual remove other .rxxx files. 

In your case you can remove them all and download the newest version from the app store.

However, be careful if someone custom changed the a widget, or if the widget does not originated from the app store

Cheers, Andries


