Menidx report with Chart

We need to build  reports and we are exploring the possibility to use Mendix as the final reporting development platform We need to build complex calculation on Mendix data, we come from Microsoft development and we have always used complex T-SQL stored procedures to create report data sources. We want to use a Mendix widgets to build reports. We are seeking the possibility to have: - a filter panel to filter datasets - an advanced grid (possibility to group values, drilldown, etc). A flat table grid is not something acceptable for our users. - charts (bar chart, pie chart, line chart, ...) We saw that Mendix removed the Chart widget from the Report Widget section in the new version 8. We saw that it is possible to use OQL or Java Action to create the grid data source for a Report Grid but is it possible to do the same data source to integrate Mendix charts? Or do they need a Microflows as data source? What are your suggestions?
1 answers

Personally i would suggest doing a proof of concept with Mendix to see if there is a good fit.

The needs you are expressing seem feasible in Mendix, however you must be aware that Mendix is not a BI tool like PowerBI. If Mendix fits your needs depends on where the accents in your requirements are. A POC is usually a good way to find this out.
