How to extract the Application Title dynamically and display it in text widget?

How to extract the Application Title dynamically and display it in text widget?  Well sure I know I can write it directly as text into the code and leave it there. But if designing a template for other applciations how woudl you easily display the current applciation title? Is there any easy trick? A system variable or any easy way how to extract it from the system object? Please let me know
3 answers

You can using the teamserver  deploy API: operation retrieve apps
Upside is that it retrieves the name from the appname-owner. You can schedule a Appname-retrieval call every once in a while and store the returned name in your module's database in App/Name. Just to prevent this call happening all the time.
Downside is that after adding your module to an Application, you will need to set API-keys needed for the request.

But if you also supply an option to manually change App/Name, in runtime, then your module-users have the option to use it without having to supply the API-keys.




I guess it should not be complicated using javascript / jquery. you just have to retrieve the text inside the balise title and display that content in your text field.


Well to be more precize – I mean not the “HTML Title” but the real name of the application as a project from the TeamServer.
