Multiple entity on a page where the data also should come from the different Rows of the employee based on the specific Conditions.

Hello Team, In my domain model, I have multiple Entity which has (1-*) associations and the rows are getting created as we made the changes.   Now my requirement is to fetch some data from the one Entity(Entity name – Employee) of ( Row# 2 of employee Id 10) and other few data from the other Entity(Entity Name – HrDetails)  of ( Row# 5 of employee Id 10).  “Here the Employee Id is same but the rows are different”.    Please advise me on this. Regards, Ankit
2 answers

We need some more details on how your datamodel looks. Is there a reference from those objects to employee? The first is clear (Entity name – Employee) but not from HrDetails. It seems you can pass both the employee and the Entity to a microflow as parameter. You then only need to work out how to get to HrDetails.








Here LegalEntity, Lob, CostCentre,GLLocation and Activity CC are the part of Labor field. and Product and Channel are also part of Labor field but these two attributes I have defined into Employee entity. Please find the next attachment below.




Thank you in advance.

