Hybrid offline pages and microflows accessible

Hi all, I am currently building a test app to look at some of the functionality of the hybrid offline app.  I’m getting errors stating that microflows cannot be used on pages accessible through an offline profile which I know is something that is not possible. The issue I am having is that I don’t know how the pages with said microflows on are accessible through the offline profile. They are admin pages that as far as I can tell are not accesible.  Currently the offline profile only has one user role able to access it, and the home page is just a page with some text on at the moment. The navigation profile does not have access to anything apart from the home page and the user does not have rights to see the admin pages. I’m a bit lost as to how the hybrid offline profile can access these pages.  Any help would be much appreciated.  Many thanks.  Garion
1 answers

Have you tried right-clicking on the error and then ‘Show Details’ ?

regards, Fabian
