XPath - how to filter list items assigned to current user?

I have an “Order” entity, it is associated with the Administration.Account entity. This way I can display a list of orders with users assigned to them. How can I filter the list to display only items, assigned to the currently logged user? I tried to use a microflow, retrieve the Orders list and then use “Find” list operation, but I’m not sure how should the xpath statement look for this:
1 answers

If you are performing the retrieve with a microflow the database retrieve action could have a xpath like:

$MyFirstModule.Order_Account = ‘%CurrentUser%’

No need to lookup all orders and then filter as the filtering can take place in the retireve.

An even better and secure option would be to set the same condition as xpath on the security of the entity, an use entity access on the microlfow. This will prevent access to the records for other users, which is not the case when restrictions are only set in the microflow retrieve action or the xpath on a list/ grid.
