XPath error - Retrieving user by name from database.

Hello, I have Tasks entity, associated with Administration.Account entity (I use it to display a list of tasks with assigned users). Tasks entity has a string parameter “Requester”, where I store names of users.  I created a microflow, which should retrieve an account of the user from the database, comparing his name with the name in “Requester” parameter.   [Name = $Tasks.Requester]   The problem is, that I’m getting XPath error, and when I’m typing $Tasks. all available parameters belong to the Account entity, instead of the Tasks entity.  This is a bit urgent question, I would be very grateful for the help. Thank you in advance!
1 answers

Try to use / instead of . 

But i think there is a much better solution for this. Why not make an association between Tasks and account to set the requester. I see you already have an association between the two entities. You can always add another one. 
