How to get dynamic css in mendix

Hi , I want to have a dynamic CSS in my application .  Like there is a radio button of yes and no and if yes is selected and pressed on submit button the validation should be done and if validation of page fails the border of the container where the “ YES & NO “ is placed should be highlighted with some color based on the css class written . Is this possible in Mendix .
2 answers

You don't need dynamic css for this. All you need is to have a boolean variable with a value if your validation failed or not, and then you can use mendix's conditional visibility on two containers.

One container with a class which has it’s css altered with your highlighted colour, and the other container without a class (so it looks like the default of the app)

if you still want to look at actual dynamic css there's the stylesheet switcher available here:


html snippets with context rendering a child style tag based off the context or request handler/rest service serving up some table with a field for your css
