Hi everybody, Im having some problems with the deeplink module. What I’ve done is the following: Deeplink module configuration: Setup the after startup microflow Setup default homepage microflow Create a deeplink (using the createDeeplinkConfig microflow) I used the following parameters: Name: “ResetPassword” Microflow: “DeepLinkCustomization.Deeplink_ResetPassword” (= modulename.microflowname) → This microflow has an inputparameter (string) All the other string parameters are set to ‘’ Only the boolean “UseStringArg” is set to true (the rest is set to false) I setup the security (admin can create deeplink configurations, users can use the deeplinks) When I navigate to “http://localhost:8080/link/ResetPassword/123”, it gives me the following message: “No session found for deeplink: /link/ResetPassword/123, attempting login. When I then login as a user it just shows me the users homepage. (doesn’t trigger the microflow). What the microflow should do → Show the inputParameter (string) in a message. Is there something else I have to do in the configuration?
Jannes Houben
2 answers
Note that you never get debug after startup actions. My assumption is that you have a microflow as home page that checks first if there are active deeplinks? Then put your breakpoint there to see if you correctly retrieve the pending link.
Ronald Catersels
Did you enable anonymous users in the security settings?