We indeed builded a webservice for this so you can retrieve those templates from other environments.
one dirty, some labour intensive solution but probably time saving (experienced in the past) could be like :
1 – build a microflow which generates a long string of the object and its attributes (seperated by ";") as a long string. (export mapping)
2 – add an helper entity in your domain model, copy the resulted string and paste it as a default value in the unlimited attribute (hardcoded copy of that string, watch out, measure whether your server could handle it or not) ("save data to your model instead of db :)")
3 – build an initiation mf wherein you create that helper object with its default string, ("retrieve" data)
4 – build an import mapping functionality which reads from that helper entity/attribute (import mapping)
BTW I am challenging/wondering whether someone else has a better, easier solution :)) (without integration and third party modules/services)
Hi Tim,
Agree with both Sinan and Ronald, I too implemented both solutions in several projects depending on time and requirements. There is a module called E-mail Template Export and Import on app store, I used this as well in some projects due to time constraints as this is quick to implement (it is old and requires an update but you can create a test project in studio pro below 7.23.0, download this module, upgrade your project to whenever version you want and than export the module and import it into your project).
Hope this helps!