If the requested URLl is indeed only /link/abc then your are missing the https://yourapp.mendixcloud.com part. How are you building up your URL? In community commons there is a function GetApplicationUrl to retrieve the URL of your app. Use it to build up the link. Other problem might indeed be security. Is the user already logen in when you trigger the deeplink? Has that user access to the request page and objects?
Hi Neil,
I agree with Ronald on this. This is exactly how we do in our application.
Hi Ronald,
You seemed to master the deeplink so i have a question for you.
I send email with deeplink inside. When you get the email and click on the link you trigger the microflow on the deeplink who redirect to the page i want (a form with questions allowed to anonymous) .
But, if the user has aldready signed in and have an active session, the microflow is bypassed and the app show the default homepage.
Can you help me understand why it does that?
Hi Neil,
I ran into the same error message.
Is it possible that your Deeplink configuration in the web app (after login as mxadmin for example), is not uptodate?
In my case the problem was that the module in which the Microflow to be called resided was renamed.
Updating my deeplink screen solved that. I needed to reselect the Microflows and use Refreshlist. It is possible that you have to update your Model Reflections first.