Set the default value of a dropdown dynamically

How to achieve this?  I have a dropdown, which composes of a entity that I fill using a microflow. From the value of this dropdown, I fill in certain fields in another entity (the parent). The data is processed in the backend, but the user can still change this data. How can I set the “default”(in this case I want to set it to the value taken from the backend) value of this dropdown?  I cannot use enumeration because the list is dynamically filled, or can I?
2 answers

Yes you can with this widget:





if the list dynamic a enum is indeed not an option.

Knowing that when you have a dynamic list, you are using a association between the list object and the displayed object in the dataview. So setting the default value must be done in the step before/towards the open page. Thus determine in a microflow the default value (object with the correct value) and set association between the object to be passed to the page/dataview and the “ default value object” 
