Anonymous end-user experience - deeplink

Hi all, I'm looking for ways to improve the experience of the anonymous end user in our application. Consider an application which allows users to create a profile page (among other pages) and share this with other people. We use the deeplink module (also the option use as home page), and custom widgets for sharing to twitter, fb and g+ However we still have a couple of challenges: 1) Retain the deeplink URL in the address bar and as URL When the page is bookmarked, the page should be bookmarked with the deeplink URL (not the index.html) When the page is shared, via email, whatsapp, telegram, twitter, fb or any other channel the shared URL should be the deeplink URL (not the index.html) When the phone screen is locked or the user in any other way loses his anonymous user session (timeout, disconnect etc.) the page should reload the deeplink URL (not the index.html) When the crawler / bot of twitter, facebook, etc follows back the url he can come up with the right page/content 2) Parse parameters to the URL When the anonymous user fills in a wizard with several steps certain data should be retained in the URL. So when he bookmarks / emails the URL to himself he can continu with the specific step and has certain data pre-filled from the previous attempt. E.g. www.application/link/personA/wizard/step4/dob-19840124 I think you can fake some stuff with cookies or window.history.pushState. But I'm curious if something to improve the end user experience in this context is on the road map of Mendix. And what everyone else's experiences, workarounds, tips and tricks are when it comes to handling with these situations? With kind regards, Stephan
2 answers

I had contact with MX about this since my client needs similar functionality but right now they don't have an out of the box solution, other than the options you already mentioned.


I would love this feature, but as Mitchel says there is no easy supported way for it right now. Please put it on the next Quarter idea forum, you've got my vote at least!

I've been looking into something like this as well, but the farthest I got with optimizing this is to dynamically build a deeplink url using a custom widget and some java. This allowed me to past the widget on a page, and it would automatically build a url that works based on page name and guid.

For search engine optimization Andrej once wrote something on his blog: but creating this can be very labour intensive if you have many different pages you want to index.
I have thought about this too, but I couldn't come up with a more generic solution.
