Error CE0066

Hello, If I want to preview my app, it always shows me the errorcode CE0066. I’ve already pressed the “update security” button a few times, but it doesn’t work. What else can i do??? Thank you in advance and have a nice weekend!!!  
3 answers

Try cleaning the deployment directory

In desktop modular Go to project-->clean deployment directory 


Thank you, but it don’t works


“The Project can’t be deployed at this time because there are Errors”


Other Ideas???


Hi Everyone,


If you come across this one, like I have, where you have an association between an entity in your domain model and the Account entity in the Administration Marketplace the IDE says to click the 'Update Security' button in the domain model.


In this instance, the domain model is the one in the Administration module - NOT the one in your custom / app module. It's basic when you know about it but it stumped me for a while.
