Show bookings for a specific service consultant in the calendar

Hi There. I am still new on the Mendix platform. I am currently buiding a system whereby a client can book an appointment for servicing a car,during the booking process the client chooses which service consultant they want. I can view the client’s booking on hte calendar,however it is showing overall bookings,I want to view bookings based on the service consultant’s appointments. Here’s my domain model
1 answers

What does your page look like? And what do you want to show exactly:

  1. If you want to show bookings that are made with a specific serviceconsultant, you could for  example make the top dataview of entity service consultant. Then in the calendar you can constrain the bookings with an xpath like: Booking_ServiceConsultant = '[%CurrentObject%]'
  2. If you want to show bookings that are linked to a serviceconsultant you could constrain the bookings with an xpath like Booking_ServiceConsultant/ServiceConsultant.