Nest Data 4.10.2

Look for the List 1 building block in the Toolbox, and place it inside the new data view. Open the Select Entity screen of the new data view to select the Registration entity.   Do you see how the Registration entity is in that screen twice? Select Registration (MyFirstModule) will show all the Registrations in the system. It won't use the context of the TrainingEvent to only show the registrations that belong to this training event.  Selecting Registration_TrainingEvent/Registration (MyFirstModule) will use the context of the TrainingEvent. This is called using an object as a constraint. It will filter down the list of Registrations to show only those that belong to this particular training event. This is the option you want on this page! Make the list view show the registration number and the name of the Trainee to which the Registration belongs.    how to add trainee name and number.. when i’m trying to select the Registration_TrainingEvent/Registration entity as shown in 5th point it is selecting both Registration and Registration_TrainingEvent .  please help me to sort out this problem  
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