AWS S3 Connector Prefix List

Hi  Everybody, I’m trying to obtain the list of prefixes from an S3 Bucket using the correspondent activity of the Mendix S3 Connector. I found no constant or parameters that specify the separation character, so I used ‘/’. Independently of how I set the prefixes, the activity always returns one empty prefix. Does someone had this activity implemented successfully?
2 answers

Hi Alessandro,


We, the AWS development team, are currently working on an Amazon S3 Connector update in which we're looking to revamp the ListPrefixes action from the existing AWS S3 Connector. Would you be interested in testing out this functionality when we've developed this?


We're eager to hear from you.


Hi Trong,

I apologize for the late answer.

Yes, I’m interested.

Please let me know how to proceed.


Thnak you
