How to set get action with Amazon S3 Connector 2.0.0?

Hello! I am trying to make get action on my mendix.  but I have trouble what value should I put on Create get action.  this is my current Micro flow for Get action. could you advise what value should I need to put?  I am concern on Key. what key should I need to put.. I also check the key of my file on S3. However, it was not working..       
1 answers

Hello, the action you're using can be used to retrieve an existing object from an AWS S3 bucket. These parameters are required to get the object/file you're looking for.


Are you already using the bucket? If so, you should be able to see which bucket/key combination you need here. Potentially, it's helpful to read something about the concepts of Buckets and Objects in S3.


Hopefully, this helps.
