Excel Import out of memory error

Dear Experts,   I met a problem when I used excel import to upload an excel with ~50,000 rows in AWS S3, out of memory error reported after execution ~12,000 rows, and then the web page shown 503 service error. But it’s ok  when ran locally. How can I solve this issue?    
3 answers

Hi Dongsheng,


Thanks for reaching out to us. Can you provide me with some additional context, so that I can effectively assist you with your issue?

  • Are you running this locally, in the Mendix cloud, on-premise?
  • The logs you provided mentions Mendix Runtime 9.12.5, whereas this forum posts has 9.24.0 specified. Can you share what version of Mendix Studio Pro you’re using?
  • What do you want to store in Amazon S3? A file? An excel sheet?
  • For what purpose do you want to store this in Amazon S3?


A 503 http response states that the service is unavailable and the logs specify an OutOfMemoryError exception. A reason as to why you were able to run this locally, as opposed to somewhere else is because your local machine may have had a greater memory capacity as opposed to where the app is hosted.


Have you considered processing in batches to reduce the strain on memory? I found a blogpost written by Martin Leppen on this topic that may help.


I hope this helps!


Hi Dongsheng,


Thanks for providing additional context. I would consider processing the data in batches. I found some additional content in our Mendix Academy on this topic that may be of help.


I hope this helps!


Hi Dongsheng,


I'm following up to see if your issue has been resolved or whether you may need some assistance.


I'm happy to help!
