Integrating AWS SQS with Mendix

I have created an AWS account and imported AWS SQS in my Mendix Application. In SQS, I have done Sending and Receiving Messages by creating queues. Can anyone tell me how can I receive the messages in mendix based on the respective Queue name and Queue URL so that the message should be displayed in my Mendix application.
2 answers

Hi Sushanth, 

thanks for reaching out! 

Can you elaborate a bit on your problem, as I don’t think I understand excatly what you mean.

Please note that the current SQS connector is commuity-supported and will be replaced by the platform-supported connector soon (we’re planning the release for next month), which will offer more functionalities than the current one. 



Hello Susanth,


I'm Trong, a member of the AWS development team at Mendix. I'm happy to help with your issue regarding receiving SQS messages in your Mendix application. I'm following up on this thread as a week has gone by without further update.


Firstly, could you give me a bit more information on how you are using the IVK_ReceiveMessages microflow from the community-supported Amazon SQS connector? This might help us understand your setup and better diagnose any potential issues.


Furthermore, like my colleague Nicolas has already pointed out, our team is actively working on developing a platform-supported Amazon SQS connector. Your input would be valuable to us. Would you be interested in testing out a pre-release version of our new Amazon SQS connector? This could potentially help us iron out any issues before the general release.


Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance or have any more questions. You can send me a private message by navigating to my developer profile and clicking on "Contact".


Looking forward to hearing from you.




AWS Development Team
