Time Series and Mendix App

Hello everyone,   I am working on an IOT app and am sending sensor data to an AWS service called Timestream. I need to be able to send SQL queries to Timestream in order to provide useful data to my Mendix app. So far, I have attempted to use JDBC and the Mendix Database connector, but I keep running into issues with the JDBC url and with installing the JDBC jar into Mendix. Does anyone have experience with Mendix and Timeseries and would be able to give me some advice on how to go about implementing this?
2 answers

Hi Lucas,


You are more than welcome to join us in creating the TimeStream connector. We are working on the exact use case. The connector uses the 2 AWS libraries, 1 for reading, and one for inserting, TimeStream data.


You can mail me on marco.spoel@t-systems.com for further alignment if you like the idea.


Go Make It


Hi Lucas,


I would like to reinforce what Marco Spoel has shared on this topic. The AWS development team here at Mendix has been in contact with T-Systems, specifically Marco, to share knowledge on connector development.
