Textract - Multiple Page Invoices and Purchase Orders

Hi AWS Team, We have just used the Textract connector for the first time.  We are using it to parse Invoices and Purchase Orders for contents like company, total amount, line item detail, etc.  We used 1.0.1 since 1.0.2 was not released when we started our project.  It seemed like the AnalyseExpense features were not fully developed in 1.0.1 (for instance, there were no permissions set on any of the Expense entities.).  The connector works well for single page invoices.  Is handling multiple page invoices on the roadmap for this connector? Thanks, Mike
1 answers

Hi Mike,


I'm Trong, a developer in the AWS development team here at Mendix. We appreciate your feedback and queries regarding the Amazon Textract connector.


The permission not having been set for both the AnalyzeExpense action and the AnalyzeDocument action was indeed a deliberate design choice. Our connector actions do not have access rules on them, mainly to provide you, as an implementing developer, complete flexibility to restrict and allocate permissions as your implementation requires.


To best manage this, we recommend creating an implementation module, e.g., AmazonTextractConnector_Impl. This could be the module that your end-user interacts with when building a request and, in turn, displaying its response. Implementing this way ensures that your unique configuration of access rules won't be overwritten when a newer version of the connector is imported into your project.


Regarding your question about the handling of multi-page invoices, I can confirm that this feature is indeed on our roadmap.


If you have further questions or need additional clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out. You can respond directly to this thread or, if you prefer, you can send me a private message by visiting my developer profile and clicking on "Contact".


Best regards,


AWS Development Team
