after code migration from azure to aws i am facing an 404 error on SSO login

our existing site posted on azure server and login with Microsoft  working fine . now our site shifted on AWS server and login with Microsoft is not working . we are using Azure AD authentication with SAML module.  Step 1:- (i am able to access login and with user normal login its working fine step 2:- (on login page => Click on (Continue with Microsoft login => its redirecting on “{url}/SSO/”  its giving below error . 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.   Error occurred while making request: No enum constant saml20.implementation.common.Constants.SAMLAction.SSO   Unable to validate Response, see SAMLRequest overview for detailed response. Error: No enum constant saml20.implementation.common.Constants.SAMLAction.SSO please help me to resolve this issue.  attaching error image for more info.          
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