How to fix an AWS Textract connection error?

Getting the following error while trying out the Amazon Textract Connector  AnalyzeDocument: Received an UnknownHostException when attempting to interact with a service. See cause for the exact endpoint that is failing to resolve. If this is happening on an endpoint that previously worked, there may be a network connectivity issue or your DNS cache could be storing endpoints for too long.:[Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@3ee35bea [Yesterday 9:36 PM] Sathya Krishnamurthy An error has occurred while handling the request. [User 'Anonymous_f2f7ccad-989c-46c4-b948-d03f1bce48e5' with session id '5eb9357f-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX7d7c' and roles 'User'] [Yesterday 9:37 PM] Sathya Krishnamurthy An error occurred while executing an action of MyFirstModule.Document_Overview.actionButton2: Internal server error Error: An error occurred while executing an action of MyFirstModule.Document_Overview.actionButton2: Internal server error    at http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638475175551634751:61:184140    at ye (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638475175551634751:19:6830)    at i (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638475175551634751:19:6731)    at j (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638475175551634751:59:5097)   Used Studio Version 10.7 AWS Authenticator Version 3.0.2 Amazon Textract connector 3.02. I tried the following a. Confirmed that the static connector keys are valid in AWS b. Confirmed that Java and javaw and mendix have access thru windows firewall.   Am I missing anything else?    
1 answers

 After reviewing your suggestion I reconfirmed the AWS region the mendix app was pointing to...I thought it was US East but it was some other region probably to which I did not have access or enabled. I pointed it to US East and the authentication started to work. This resolved the issue. Thanks for your feedback.
