Hi, Im bussy to explorer the AWS Bedrock Chatbot. In AWS i can test my chatbot with my own data set that i provided due a web crawl, but when i use it in the Mendix envorinment (https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/227926 starter app) i got errors which i dont know how to fix. I provided my knowledge base in the bot configurator. They will be found in the dropdown. But when i start a chat conversation i always get <error> back in the chat. In my Mendix console i see the following error: ProviderConfig_ExecuteAction: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "software.amazon.awssdk.services.bedrockagentruntime.model.RetrievalResultS3Location.uri()" because the return value of "software.amazon.awssdk.services.bedrockagentruntime.model.RetrievalResultLocation.s3Location()" is null at AmazonBedrockConnector.RetrieveAndGenerate (JavaAction : 'RetrieveAndGenerate') at MyFirstAIBot.ChatContext_BedrockRetrieveAndGenerate_ActionMicroflow (SubMicroflow : 'Retrieve And Generate') at {"name":"ConversationalUI.ProviderConfig_ExecuteAction","type":"JavaAction"} at ConversationalUI.ChatContext_ExecuteAction (JavaAction : 'ProviderConfig_ExecuteAction') I think something needs to be configured in AWS? Anyone got an idea to help me forward? When i work with only S3 bucket with a pdf uploaded it works fine. But when i add an extra datasource (webcrawler) i get this error.
Sonny van Rein
2 answers
Hi Sonny,
there recently have been changes to the available knowledgebase sources on AWS side which resulted in a changed response body. We are currently working on upgrading the Bedrock Connector and GenAICommons module to incorporate those changes so that other knowledgebase sources such as a webcrawler (or sharepoint or confluence or ...) will be possible next to S3 soon. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!
Best regards,
Strategic Alliance Development Team
there has been a new release of bedrock but it does not yet support other data sources for the knowledge bases. We will let you know as soon as we have a release where there at least is no error when using a data source other than S3, or where the full range of possible data sources is available.