Upload upto 5GB size files in S3 through mendix app

I wanted to upload 4to 5 Gb size files in s3 which is zip file or normal file  what i can do to achieve this . is there  any way to upload the such huge files?   Thank you in advance
4 answers

ATM the Marketplace modules made for connecting with AWS doesnt have a presigned URL upload to S3 but you can make one yourself using Custom Java Actions. 

1. Custom Java Action to create a new Presigned Upload URL via which you can hit AWS S3 to upload your file

2. Since this Presigned URL is a PUT REST API, use this in your MF by using call rest endpoint


Now this seems ok theoritically but sending such a large file could turn out to be challenging in production environment as that may timeout if this is a user bound logic.

Thinking from this angle when you are generating a presigned url, you need to make it so that it is a multi part upload presigned URL (to support uploading files in pieces)



Hi Kashinath,

You mention S3 bucket, I assumed you want to use Mendix filesystem hosted on AWS. If that's incorrect, please indicate what you want (from the Mendix community)!

Using 'just' Mendix, this probably will hit some maximum file size limit (2 GB?), or otherwise a time-out (50Mbit upload for 5 minutes could give you ~3.25 GB).

Uploading large files is 'normally' done by uploading parts (or chunks), see stackoverflow for reasoning. As Mendix does not support this out of the box, this probably requires developing some extensions on both client side (React widget) and server side (Java custom request handler).

Not sure if that's the way you want to go?


Hello kashinath


I have some good news. We are currently working on an update of the S3 connector that will support presigned URL! so stay tune for the next release! Thank you for bringing the issue into our attention


Kind Regards 






Versions 4.0.1 and 4.1.0 should have it.

