How can I send an SMS using Amazon SNS Connector and AWS Authentication.
Greetings, I'm currently working on an application that uses the Amazon SNS Connector and AWS Authentication to send OTPs via SMS. However, I'm having some trouble setting up the module and getting it to work properly. If anyone has experience with configuring and using these tools, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Any guidance or tips you can provide to help me get this working would be extremely valuable Thank you in advance!
Kurt Vonn Alde
2 answers
Hi Kurt,
could you elaborate on your setup and where you are currently stuck with the SNS and Authentication connectors? We like to understand where we might need to improve our documentation.
With kind regards,
Strategic Alliance Development Team
Hi Kurt Vonn Alde,
I would first look at the Mendix Documentation: Amazon SNS
If you are still facing issues, please share the errors you are getting.