AWS Presigned URL for Uploading in S3 bucket

Hello members,   I am trying to upload 1GB+ files to S3 bucket using Amazon S3 Connector's Presigned URL activity. But I am still getting Java heap when calling Rest API.  Attaching the microflow screenshot on the implementation. Please suggest. As I understand, presigned URL must help us uploading huge files in S3 bucket without using much resources of our application.   NOTE: Small size files are getting uploaded. Hence the implementation looks fine.
2 answers

Hi kaustubh,

     I have faced similar errors on different scenario, the cause of the issue is the Java heap size might be insufficient for your application's needs, especially when handling larger files. I would suggest increase the JVM heap size in your Mendix runtime if it's in local.... If you facing same error in Environment you have to increase the application memory.





Hi Kaustubh,


As already replied in the other thread about this, I will send you the code of our a-sync data widget as well.


Kind Regards,

Mendix Strategic Alliance Development team
