user and password in an OData entity registered in data hub

I’ve published an entity as an OData Service by Studio Pro and I can see it in data hub. At this point all it’s ok. But when I try to use this entity from Data Hub in another app inside my company, I got this message: The OData endpoint returned 401 Unauthorized. So I put the user and pass  of the admin of the app owner of the entity, in the app tha use the OData entity,,, and I have the same error. From where I need to get the user and password?       
1 answers

Hi alejandro,

when you try to use the entity from Data Hub in another app (Consuming), For authentication you should take the username and password  from the Published app for  Administrator Role.


Username: MxAdmin

Password: Admin@1234 

the above username and password belongs to published app since we are going to get the data form there.

Hopes it helps!
