Is it possible to change the Service URL of a Consumed OData Service at runtime?

The service URL is stored in a constant. I wanted the endpoint of my REST API calls to be configurable by the user. One way to do this is by overriding the constant in the app settings and then editing the value in Mendix Service Console in the case of an on-premise deployment. Is there a way to change this at runtime?
1 answers

Hello Ridhwik,

You can create a configuration sort of entity with url attribute of string type for the end user to provide input url. You can retrieve this configuration in a microflow and extract url attribute and consider it for the REST API activity.



We had a similar requirement and to make it dynamic, we invoked ODATA service endpoints using REST activity. However, to leverage the metadata of entities and attributes, we had to build a generic interface that allows the end users to choose their entities and required attributes. Our solution does not handle association.


