1 New endpoint(s) were registered in the Catalog

Hi all   My team are currently devleoiping an app in 9.12.5 and yesterday, each time we restart the applciation in either our test or development instances I am receiving alert emails with the heading above stating that the endpoint has been registered in the data hub catalogue and exposed for others in the company to discover.  The email offers a link to go to the data hub catalogue entry but this returns no entries in the catalogue when linked.  We are currently not using data hub with any apps in the company   Has anyone else had this issue and/or knopw how to resolve?
1 answers

Mendix automatically publishes any published OData services to the DataHub as a data source. You can however remove the entity of the service from the data hub or turn of the discoverability of that data source in the data hub. Refer this documentaiton. 


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