How much will the checkout times impact when we upgrade from SVN to Git? - Mendix Forum

How much will the checkout times impact when we upgrade from SVN to Git?


We are currently upgrading from 9.18.4 to 10.12.1 (MTS)

After upgrading to 9.24.21, we need to move from SVN to Git for the upgrade to version 10.


We have contacted the Mendix Support, they mentioned that many customers have reported that the checkout times have increased too much when moved to Git.


For our current situation, it usually takes 4-7 minutes to checkout newly made branch (our .mpr file is nearing 200 MB)

So I'm having doubt, does it really impact my checkckout times when we moved to Git?

I mean 4-7 minutes is already bad, at a max it will be 6-10 minutes maybe.


I would like you guys to share your experiences when you have moved to Git.


As product manager for Version Control I can confirm *initial* clone times tend to go up when moving to Git, as by default the entire history is downloaded instead of just the latest commit. You can read more about the cause of that on this page.

This depends on your repository size, which is correlated with your MPR size, but also depends on the number of commits. For most customers we see a neglible increase, or no increase at all, but for apps with larger repositories (which would be my assumption with a 200MB .MPR) it can be significant.

As of Mendix 10.12 'partial cloning' has been introduced (link), currently still as public beta, which circumvents the issue by only downloading the latest revision (more similar to SVN). So far we've seen that 'escape hatch' to be sufficient for customers with larger repositories.


Hope this helps. Please reach out (here or on the Community Slack) if you have more questions.
