Slack Mendix Community - Mendix Forum

Slack Mendix Community


Slack Mendix Commminty is a good platform for communication, but it works in a closed circuit.

After the Slack group, questions in the Mendix Forum decreased, only beginners use the forum. They usually do not hear about the Slack channel.


Experienced Mendix developers are usually in Slack. Questions, discussions and  important solution-oriented questions about current developments are in the slack channel.


The forum also has advantages for the future. The forum has a natural content overlay feature for search engines. Since everything is discussed in Slack, the latest and new solution topics do not fall into the search engine index. It will be difficult for us to reach new resources with mendix in the future in search engines. 


Mendix AI Assistance (Maia) also uses the forum as a source.


When we consider all these, the Mendix Forum archive, which is important for Mendix resources for the future, is weakening.


I just wanted to share.....


Indeed, forum-questions reach a smaller audience since the Slack-channel arrived. And less attention of the Experts and MVPs.
