Proper forum go back functionality and bookmarking - Mendix Forum

Proper forum go back functionality and bookmarking


I cant be the only one who has faced this annoyance: You type in Google some keywords for a Mendix issue you're facing, you click on a link to access a forum post, and you find out it is not what you're looking for so you want to go back to your Google search results to look for others posts. Well, for some reason pressing the back button a single time does not work; you will remain on the Mendix website. Pressing 2 times doesn't work either. You literally have to smash the back button several times to return to your previous page, and often by accident it will return you 2/3 pages back in the past. Can this please be addressed? 😅


Also, when bookmarking a forum thread the bookmark will have as default name 'Mendix Community - Question Details'. It would be convenient to change this bookmark name to the title of the post.

1 answers

Hi Kurt and thanks for sharing your improvements. Can definitely understand how the back button behaviour is not ideal. Also fully agree that it would be good to include the title of the post when bookmarking. I can't yet commit as to when this will be fixed, but we'll definitely look into fixing this in the not too distant future.
