Issue: data grid 2 column

Hi all,   When showing data in data grid 2 via a DS microflow, the console is showing an error message related to a column received over an association: com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: Exception while retrieving data for 'CoreModule_SP.RequestHeader_TemplateList.dataGrid22' on document 'CoreModule_SP.RequestHeader_TemplateList'     at com.mendix.webui.actions.client.RetrieveAction.$anonfun$apply$3(RetrieveAction.scala:94) Caused by: com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: Associated object should not have already been retrieved over schema     at com.mendix.webui.actions.client.RetrieveAction.$anonfun$attachAssociatedPartialObjects$3(RetrieveAction.scala:194)   Currently I fixed the issue by changing the column settings in the data grid 2: instead of show attribute – show custom content → then it is working without any issue.   Any ideas, suggestions because in my opinion it should work with the ‘show attribute’ as well?   Kind regards, Jelle  
2 answers



I had the same error. Is the associated entity generalized or specialised?

In our case, we had 3 columns over association. 2 of them retrieved the value over a specialised object, but the third over the generalised which caused the error.


Same issue, thought it was an access right issue as removing an association to a system entity resolved this issue at first but it occurred again after a custom search.


In my Case: In the retrieve of the main entity I GetCreate an Associated Entity in which I set several attributes with values I need to display. 

I ended up using Jelle's approach to resolve the error.
