Hi Torsten,
You can visit to my blog,
by clicking the link below,
There I have explained, how to achieve the requirement,
Let me know if you have any issues,
Hope it helps!!
Hi Again Torsten,
You are correct, I actually went through and tested all of the multifield search widgets that I normally use and none of them(including grid search) actually work for datagrid 2!
Rishabh’s solution should work great for you once you get everything all set up.
I looked into this further and realized that I had missed the original point of your question. Which is how to make this feature actually work natively in data grid 2. I found the answer here in the documentation: Data Grid 2 Header Filtering
So you configure all of your header filter attributes in the filtering tab of the datagrid 2 properties. Then you need to place filtering widgets for each data type in the header section and they will automatically select the filter attributes that match the filter type e.g. text filter, number filter, etc.
Hope that helps to add clarity to your question in addition to Rishabh’s solution
Hi Torsten,
The type of search that you are trying to achieve is called a multi-field search. There are several marketplace modules that can be used to accomplish this. Grid Search is the one published by Mendix. I haven’t specifically tested it on Data grid 2 but as far as I know it should work.
Hope this helps,
Hi Danny,
i hope that datagrid2 had something out of the box.
I used multifield in datagrid1 but changing to datagrid2 this search doesn’t work at all.
So if soneone has an idea for datagrid2 this would very helpful ;-)
Thanks Rishabh,
this makes it clear and and very cool solution.
Of course it it more work at the beginning but very helpful in understanding
Thanks a lot!!!