How to set page dynamic creation

We have 4 editable list view in one page  where I create dynamic Input box 1st list view create dynamic textbox 2nd list view create textarea 3 rd list view create check box 4th list view create radio button i have one dropdown in drop down we getting (textbox textarea, check box, radio button) if i click textbox then we can generate only text boxes after create textbox  i have click textarea then text area create but if i  click first on textarea then textarea  generate but below 1st list view  my need is user any create first with same position how can I di this 
1 answers

Hi Shubham,


If I understand correct, you want to change the order in which the page list your new created elements. If somehow you store these new created elements in an entity, you can enrich your entity with a OrderSequence attribute, for asigning an ordering number to your created element. When retrieving all the created alements, do a sort (descending) on the OrderSequence attribute.



  1. create attibute in the entity that list the created elements
  2. For each ealement (radiobuttons, checkbox, etc) you also fill attribute OrderSequence
  3. Run a sort order descending on OrderSequence when you retrieve it.

Hope this will help.


Good luck,

