Hello We have two attribute one is question (with attribute name, description) and another is Answer (with attribute textbox, textarea, check box, radio button) associated with(question 1,Answer*) we have 4 button If click fist button then dynamic textbox generate If click on second button then dynamic textarea generate.… If i click on forth button then dynamic radio button create And all save at time It is possible with one entity
Shubham Dubey
1 answers
Hello Shubham,
Sure you can, add booleans in your entity for each field that you want to show by pressing a button. You will use those booleans to toggle visibilty. Then the save button should just commit the object with the fields in described. You will toggle the booleans in a microflow behind the buttons and the visibility is set on the page, specifically the artibute you want to show or either hide.