Create Dynamic input field based on drop down selection

We have 4 editable list view in one page  where I create dynamic Input box 1st list view create dynamic textbox 2nd list view create textarea 3 rd list view create check box 4th list view create radio button i have one dropdown in drop down we getting (textbox textarea, check box, radio button) if i click textbox then we can generate only text boxes after create textbox  i have click textarea then text area create but if i  click first on textarea then textarea  generate but below 1st list view  my need is user any create first with same position how can I di this
2 answers

I have made dynamic forms in the past, but I try to avoid themnowadays if possible.


Some recommandations:

  1. Place all attributes of textareas, checkbox etc on 1 entity
  2. Create a widget that can render all types dynamically, to avoid big pages with conditional visibility
  3. Avoid storing of conditional questions because for 10000+ forms with 50+ questions 10+  conditions the association tables can get really big.

Some solution about this topic?
