The selected page ShowPage expects an object of type MyFirstModule.drop, which is not available here

The selected page 'ShowPage' expects an object of type 'MyFirstModule.drop', which is not available here   -Getting above error while filling data in drop down  - Please provide steps to fill drop down
1 answers

Hi Ather,


Filling the dropdown is not a problem in this case.

The page you are editing probably contains a dataview with object type ‘MyFirstModule.drop’ coming from a context datasource.


If you use this page from a navigation profile, using dataviews with datasource ‘Context’ is not possible. You need to use another datasource type. For example a Datasource Microflow that returns an object of type ‘MyFirstModule.drop’.

If you show this page using a Microflow with activity 'Show page’, you have to send an object of type ‘MyFirstModule.drop’ to the page in this Microflow.


More information can be found here: and here:


Hope this helps!

