Excel Importer: Error while using non-persistent entity

Hi, I am facing an error while using importing data into an non-persistent entity using Excel importer. This works fine when I import into a persistent entity with the same template configuration. Does Excel importer allow using Non-persistent entities? If anyone has faced similar errors - can you please help?       The following error occurred when importing document: Standard form EVA Person V1.0.xlsx   --------   com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: Document could not be imported, because: replication.ReplicationSettings$MendixReplicationException: replication.ReplicationSettings$MendixReplicationRuntimeException: Unable to execute the OQL query for objects: BkrInsightsEVA_Multi.EvaPersoon_Import range: 1000/1000 because of error: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.connectionbus.ConnectionBusRuntimeException: An exception has occurred for the following request(s):                 InternalOqlTextGetRequest (depth = -1): SELECT specifiedObject/ID FROM "BkrInsightsEVA_Multi"."EvaPersoon_Import" AS specifiedObject  WHERE ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '1' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '2' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '3' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '4' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '5' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '6' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '7' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '' )  | VERSION: Mx5_20161013                 at com.mendix.basis.actionmanagement.ActionManager.executeSync(ActionManager.scala:108) The following error occurred when importing document: Standard form EVA Person V1.0.xlsx   --------   com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: Document could not be imported, because: replication.ReplicationSettings$MendixReplicationException: replication.ReplicationSettings$MendixReplicationRuntimeException: Unable to execute the OQL query for objects: BkrInsightsEVA_Multi.EvaPersoon_Import range: 1000/1000 because of error: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.connectionbus.ConnectionBusRuntimeException: An exception has occurred for the following request(s):                 InternalOqlTextGetRequest (depth = -1): SELECT specifiedObject/ID FROM "BkrInsightsEVA_Multi"."EvaPersoon_Import" AS specifiedObject  WHERE ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '1' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '2' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '3' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '4' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '5' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '6' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '7' ) OR ("specifiedObject/IDNumber" = '' )  | VERSION: Mx5_20161013                 at com.mendix.basis.actionmanagement.ActionManager.executeSync(ActionManager.scala:108)
1 answers

I have the feeling that you are trying to store too much data in your memory (non-persistent objects) and your application doesn't like that very much.

Have you already tried the same functionality with only a handful of rows in the excel file?
