How to save Information to only one account

Hello,  This is my microflow to create account and store Information about student.  In this Microflow Last Box shows a Page where I can add Information about the student.  I am new to Mendix so I don’t know what I am doing please help    What I want to do is I want to create an account and then store information in that account So, when users Login with the credential they can only see information that is specific to their account.  How can I do that?
1 answers

In your own module add an entity (extraInfo) with the additional attributes you like to store.

Make sure there is a 1-1 relation between account and the created entity.

Create the account in the administration module in the microflow and a new object in the extra info entity, make sure to set the association between the account and the extraInfo object when creating the object.

Create a page showing the data for the acocunt in a dataview, nest a second dataview in the account dataview which shows the extraInfo object over association and open this page from the microflow and you should be good to go.

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