How do I Create the account in the administration module in the microflow

How do I Create the account in the administration module in the microflow
1 answers

Hi Dhruv,

If you want to create an account in the Administration module in Mendix using a microflow, you can use the "Create object" action and set the object type to "System.User". This will create a new user account in the Administration module.

To do this, simply drag and drop the "Create object" action from the Toolbox onto the microflow canvas, then double-click it to open its properties. In the "General" tab, set the "Object type" to "System.User", and in the "Object" tab, set the values for the user's attributes, such as their name, username, password, and email. You can also set other attributes like "Language" and "Time zone" if needed.

Once you've set the values, click "OK" to close the properties window and connect the "Create object" action to the next action in the microflow. Finally, save and run the microflow to create the user account in the Administration module.

Remember, creating user accounts in the Administration module requires the appropriate permissions and roles in your Mendix application. Be sure to check your application's security settings to ensure that you have the necessary privileges to create user accounts.

Let me know, if you have any issues!

Hope it helps!!
