com.mendix.m2ee.api.InfoAdminException: Reading the license key failed.

Hi We are running Mendix private cloud using EKS cluster With new deployment, We are facing below error…. Please let us know any suggestions From similar question,  system$licenseinformation  is where we need to cleanup but we dont have such table.  2023-04-26 03:17:34.474 INFO - LicenseService: Using CallHomeLicenseService  2023-04-26 03:17:34.544 ERROR - LicenseService: Initializing the call-home license failed.  2023-04-26 03:17:34.544 ERROR - LicenseService: java.lang.NullPointerException: null  at com.mendix.basis.util.license.callhome.UserReportInfoService$.toUserData(UserReportInfoService.scala:35)  at com.mendix.basis.util.license.callhome.UserReportInfoService$.$anonfun$getUserData$1(UserReportInfoService.scala:19)  2023-04-26 03:17:34.547 ERROR - M2EE: Starting Mendix Runtime failed.  2023-04-26 03:17:34.547 ERROR - M2EE: com.mendix.m2ee.api.AdminException: Starting Mendix Runtime failed.  at com.mendix.basis.impl.MxRuntimeImplBase.fireZeMissiles(  Caused by: com.mendix.m2ee.api.InfoAdminException: Reading the license key failed.  at com.mendix.basis.util.license.callhome.CallHomeLicenseService.initialize(CallHomeLicenseService.scala:134)  Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null  at com.mendix.basis.util.license.callhome.UserReportInfoService$.toUserData(UserReportInfoService.scala:35)  at com.mendix.basis.util.license.callhome.UserReportInfoService$.$anonfun$getUserData$1(UserReportInfoService.scala:19)
1 answers

Cause of the issue:

This problem can occur in different runtime processes that involves reading attributes that have a validation rule of required (for example, Name in the system.user table), but still, for unknown reasons are equal to NULL values. This can cause the required processes to fail and therefore fail the runtime step for the deployment of your application.

Solution to the issue:

To solve the issue, we can manually delete the corresponding rows that have those NULL values in the database. After doing so, we can try again redeploying a new package into the environment, this should hopefully restart the process and successfully complete the build and runtime steps in the deployment of our application.

