How to send email at registration time

We have registration page anonymous user can register itself but password and user id send user email user email fill on registeration page i have also done add module email connector and encryption and mx module but how can I send user id(user email) and password (random)through email on the Click on registered button 
1 answers

Hi Shubham, 


we can easily achieve it as Abdul commented, 

You have an anonymous registration page where the user will register himself with the help of his user id ( with the help of his email ID). With a click of the register button, we can pass the email ID entered in the field to the microflow connected to the register button and generate a random password with the help of Java action from the community commons module. we can have both email id and password being passed as a placeholders to the email and send the email to user

Refer the below blog to send email with placeholders

