conditional visibility

just want to show attribute on conditional visibility but attribute which i want to show is in Entity 1 and for conditional visibility i want to use value of other attribute that is present in Entity 2. i have association of Entity 1 and Entity 2. now please tell me how????conditional visibility by using Association or suggest me other way to do it….
3 answers

here are screen shot as i sais i have 2 entities and have association now the group box is only visible oon value of permit type=’ConfinedSpacePermit’, now tell me what to do or other way to do it


Hi Prasanna,


You can't use attributes from inside the association to use in conditional visibility. You can only check if it's empty. If the form is inside a data view for PermitTypeRequestForm you need to add a dataview for PermitType. Inside here you can use the required attribute to show the text boxes. You can also use a non-persistent view helper entity to create this. Or have a calculated attribute on PermitTypeRequestForm.




Hi Prasanna,


Condition Entity1/Entity2/Attribute = true


Could you share a Screenshot of your Domain Model or the Page? 


