Change Toast color on Appronto Notification Module

Hello, I didn’t find the Color option on this module, does anyone can help me? In the pictures of documentations they show that it’s possible, but don't have this option. I try to change with CSS but the tests didn't work too   I want to color fill this toast with the red color   Don’t have this option here, just the icon color:  
1 answers

You can create the CSS based on the status type:


.swal2-popup.swal2-toast.swal2-icon-error {

    background-color: lightpink !important;

    .swal2-title {

        color: red !important;


    .swal2-close {

        color: red !important;


    .swal2-icon.swal2-error {

        color: red !important;

        border-color: red !important;

        .swal2-x-mark {

            .swal2-x-mark-line-left {

                background-color: red !important;


            .swal2-x-mark-line-right {

                background-color: red !important;




